
2016 GBO – Great Tournament or Greatest Tournament?

Glass Blown Open Poker Party

There are a few things in life we know for sure…

-Disc golf is awesome.
-Disc golfers are good people.
-The Glass Blown Open is where you should be during the last week of April this year.

That last one is particularly important because the GBO is quite possibly the greatest disc golf event of the year. We realize that we are a little biased in this opinion, but that’s only because we’ve been here before. If you talk to anyone else that’s previously attended, you’ll start to see a pattern. Whether they attended as a spectator or a competitor, the verdict has always been that the GBO is one amazing disc golf event.

So we know that if you visit us here in Emporia on April 28 – 30, you’ll have a great time. That’s a given. But we have a secret. It’s a secret learned from years of hosting the GBO. A secret discovered by talking to thousands of previous competitors and spectators. A secret we want to share with you. One that will help turn your GBO experience from merely “great” into a very memorable “greatest”. Wanna know what it is?

Whether or not you look back on the 2016 Glass Blown Open as a great disc golf event or the greatest disc golf event is completely up to you. It’s that simple.

You see, we spend an entire year working on the GBO. We meet. We brainstorm. We review the previous year. We talk to players, TD’s, and spectators. We put a ton of effort into all that is the upcoming Glass Blown Open. We plan all kinds of activities and events around this world class disc golf tournament. Putting competitions, warm up tournaments, bonfires, pro panels, mini disc golf, a poker party, bowling, glow golf, and a block party are just some of the events we have planned for your visit here in Kansas. There is something for you to do at every moment of every day you are here.

The key is that you have to participate. You have to join in the fun. All of these events are meaningless without you. It’s the nearly 1200 disc golfers from around the country that transform this event from merely great to the greatest. It’s getting to meet and spend time with all of you that makes it memorable. Without you and your participation, the GBO is just another tournament.

There are a lot of tournaments this year that you could travel to. You drive there, you play disc golf, you go back to your hotel. And that’s fun. But that’s not the GBO. The key to getting the most out of your time here is getting involved. Don’t just play disc golf and go back to your hotel. Go play poker. Go to the bonfire. Go to the pro panel. Go to the block party. Go play mini disc golf. Go watch live music with Rusty Lafoon. Hang out at the shop. Go. Do. Meet other people. Have fun! Make a point to have the greatest disc golf time you’ll have this year.

That’s what we’ll be doing and we can’t wait to see you here!

For a full schedule of events, check out the event calendar here.

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